Economic Regulatory Law
Companies and individuals face a vast amount of regulatory legislation in the Netherlands and in Europe. This includes topics such as foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, working conditions, free and regulated markets (competition law), gambling, and shipping. Various supervisory bodies and authorities are responsible for enforcing these rules, including
- the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA),
- the Healthcare Inspectorate (Inspectie voor de gezondheidszorg),
- the Dutch Labour Inspectorate (Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie),
- the Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM, Autoriteit Consument & Markt),
- the Gambling Authority (KSA, Kansspelautoriteit),
- the Inspectorate for the Environment and Transport (ILT, Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport),
- the FIOD
- the Public Prosecutor’s Office (Openbaar Ministerie, often the specialised Functioneel Parket).
Violations of these rules can result in administrative fines and orders subject to penalty payments, as well as permit revocations. In more severe cases, criminal prosecution is often chosen. Given the significant consequences, a proactive approach and creating expert counter balance are essential.
Wladimiroff offers that assistance.
Our specialists
Robbert de Bree
Gert-Jan Elsen
Léon de Jager
Frans Sijbers
Jop Spijkerman
Alexander de Swart